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ABC has made it convenient to give online or mail-in tithes and offerings:
God hears and answers prayer. What's your biggest need?
You're invited! Here's when we meet and how to get in touch with us.
(All in-person services are interpreted for the Deaf.)
Arlington Baptist Church is a group of ordinary people seeking an extraordinary God.
Whether you're a Christian looking for a church home, or you're full of questions about this man named Jesus, or you're somewhere in between, there's a place for you at ABC.
You'll find grace among friends at Arlington Baptist!
Sunday Worship
10 AM Bible Study Groups
11 AM Morning Worship
6 PM Evening Worship
Wednesday Services
6:30 PM AWANA / VBS (Children)
6:30 PM Youth Connect (Teens)
6:30 PM Deaf Bible Study
7 PM Bible Study (Adults)