
Our Missionaries

Mark 16:15
ABC faithfully supports worldwide missions and discipleship.

Baltimore Rescue Mission Maryland Hoblitz, Charles & Nina Republic of GA
Bangs, Donovan England Keller, Vitaly & Alexandra Ukraine
Bearing Precious Seed Ohio King, Stephen & Vicki Germany
Bible and Literature Missionary Foundation Tennessee Large, Andy & Diane Nicaragua
Bunnell, Andrew & Sarah London LK* Hong Kong
Burns, Bob & Mary Scott Norway Marr, Barbara Retired
Campbell, James Deaf Martin, Mike & Hannah Field Admin.
Castillo, Cynthia Mexico City Mead, Joshua & Julie Senegal
Child Evangelism Fellowship Maryland Medical Missions Outreach Maryland
Depaah, George & Vera Ghana Mikesh, Chris & Sandy Maryland
Douglas, Steve & Debi Peru Millikan, Joy Mexico
Fenton, Kurt & Lisa New Zealand Moore, Josh & Annie Ireland
Fyock, Tim & Laurie USA Patterson, Becky Mexico
Gibson, John & Joy NYC Ribbans, Billy & Rebecca Trinidad
Gomez, Alberto & Nelcy Spanish Sanford, Greg & Dawn Dir. of Mobilization
Grammer, Sam & Janet Arizona Thompson, Brian & Christine USA
Gravley, Travis & Becky Office JZ* Palau
* Initials are used to protect the Wippler, Andrew & Nicole Finland
missionaries in these countries.*
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